How to Apply
If you wish to apply to the North Texas Regional Veterans Court (regardless of county), please download and complete the below application.
Once complete, you'll return:
​1. The application;​
2. One of the following forms to prove Veteran eligibility:
DD214 (Member 4 copy), Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
NGB-22, National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) official letter or disability letter with character of service listed
E-Benefits summary letter with character of service listed
Honorable discharge certificate
Uniform Services Identification Card
State of Texas Issued Driver License with Veteran designation​
3. Any mental health and/or substance abuse evaluations you may have in your
possession to the contact listed below:
Please Email to:
Amanda Garcia
Program Manager
What Happens Next?
Initial Approval
Once a referral is received, the Program Manager reviews it to ensure the criteria are met and submits the application to the county District Attorney's (DA) office for initial review.
All cases/applications must first be reviewed and approved by the County District Attorney’s Office.
Following DA review, and if approved, the applicant is scheduled for a face-to-face interview with the Veterans Court treatment team, who will make the final decision for approval.
The applicant, their attorney, and court of origin are notified of the treatment teams’ decision the day of interview
Welcome Aboard
If approved, the applicant is scheduled to plea into Veterans Court.
Each plea takes place in front of Judge Roach and includes transferring the case from the originating court into Veterans Court.